Install the package

Directly from pyyc:

$ pip install pyyc

or by cloning the gitlab repository:

$ git clone  # cloning
$ cd pyyc
[pyyc/]$ pip install .                           # local installation

Test the installation

To test the package from Python (preferentially not from top-level directory):

>>> import pyyc
Initialization top-level module
Initialization sub-package A module A1
Initialization sub-package A module A2
Initialization sub-package B module + sub-package A module A1

To tests the main entries:

$ python -m pyyc 1 abc
Command line arguments: ['1', 'abc']
$ pyyc 2 def
Command line arguments: ['2', 'def']
$ pyyc_addition 1 2
1 + 2 = 3

Build the documentation

To build the documentation from documentation directory:

[docs/]$ make html
[docs/]$ firefox _build/html/index.html
[docs/]$ make latexpdf
[docs/]$ evince _build/latex/pyyc.pdf

Run the tests

To run the doctests from source directory:

[pyyc/]$ python -m doctest -v


[pyyc/]$ pytest --doctest-modules -v

To run the tests from top-level directory:

$ pytest

To assess test coverage:

$ coverage run -m pytest
$ coverage report
$ coverage html
Wrote HTML report to htmlcov/index.html
$ firefox htmlcov/index.html